There is no doubt that in the last few years, the world has been impacted by a powerful energetic shift. Spiritual awakening is at full speed, and people are more open to new ideas and philosophies, looking to heal themselves from all the pain and connect to their souls on a deeper level.

Although there is this increasing demand for books, courses, and coaching advice on topics that revolve around spirituality, consciousness, awakening, and metaphysics, a belief barrier must be overcome. Whenever someone shares a story of unbearable pain, grief, and mourning, there is always skepticism and reservations from someone. At the same time, encouragement can be found, especially when this specific sentence comes up: "You should write a book about it."
Many people have considered writing down what happened to them and turning their stories into a book, but in most cases, this stays just as an idea in the back of the mind, never really putting pen to paper. The reasons vary, but the common ones are fear of being judged, lack of time, and even a bit of imposter impostor syndrome.
The healing aspect of sharing a story is often ignored, and a calling can stay dormant. We tend to overlook the fact that, besides helping others, by telling a story the author can also engage in a creative process, nourishing the heart and soul and connecting deeply with their inner world. When writing, one not only reminds their positive side of what was experienced but also revisits the turmoils, which can be a painful but necessary healing practice. When sharing spiritual insights and the lessons learned along the way, one can help others heal and get on a spiritual enlightenment path, but also heal themselves.
"On the spiritual path, all the dreck and misery is transformed, maybe not that same day, but still transformed into spiritual fuel or insight."
Spirituality is one of the fastest-growing markets in the book industry and one of the most sought-after genres in the world. Maybe the story of the personal connection with the divine you carry inside is precisely the one a reader needs to be in contact with to heal. Heal yourself and heal others by sharing your story.
Trust that whatever comes through you is meant to be shared with the world.
If you would like to share your story with the world but are unsure where to begin, I recommend PRESStinely, my team of publishing consultants that helped me craft, publish, market and sell my book - Thirty: A Mother's Spiritual Journey After Losing Her Child and they can do the same for you. To request a complimentary discovery call or to receive their Top 13 Publishing & Marketing Tips, visit and reach out to them via our contact page.
~ Carole J. Sluski
My Testimonial of PRESStinely -
“My experience of being a client of Kristen Wise and Maira Pedreira, co-founders of PRESStinely, is they are outstanding and creative professionals in the publishing industry. During the event of writing my first book, THIRTY; A Mother’s Spiritual Journey After Losing Her Child, over a period of eighteen months, their beneficial efforts included being organized, supportive, extremely creative in all aspects of social media promotion, gifted leaders in the publishing industry, and most of all, genuinely compassionate towards my progression as an author. Their financial packages are valued to be worth the level of professional management, including maximum creativity of the highest expectations. I highly recommend their partnership to any amateur or award-winning writer.”