Podcasts & Media
Carole is an author, inspiring speaker, and woman of faith. Her natural ability to connect and share with her audiences brings forward her calming approach to life and her transformative expertise. She merges faith, energy, and enthusiasm to empower, and encourage any audience.
There are various topics with rich content that Carole shares with audiences through a mix of her life experiences, faith, and compassion.​ While Carole routinely delivers custom content, her most popular topics include:
The unbearable pain, grief, and mourning one can ever feel when losing a child.
Grieving the loss of a child, partner, parent, sibling, grandparents, or friend and the search for Christian comforting messages to feel that they are not alone.
The book Thirty: A Mother's Spiritual Journey After Losing Her Child by Carole J. Sluski.​
If you are interested in learning more about how Carole would be an ideal fit and inspiration for your audience, please reach out to us today.

Jesus went on to say, "In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me."
~ John 16:16